
  • Hope Of Future, Not Horror Of Past

    Hope Of Future, Not Horror Of Past

    Most people I know are really good at looking into the past. Seeing what’s happened in their life, seeing what they’ve accomplished, seeing how they’ve failed, remembering past experiences.

  • God Is At Work On The Other Side

    God Is At Work On The Other Side

    Gen 41:9 Then the chief cupbearer said to Pharaoh, “Today I am reminded of my shortcomings. This is the part of the Joseph story after he’s left in prison and the cupbearer has forgotten about him… remember, he was supposed to put in a good word for Joseph when he got out of prison?

  • When All Seems Lost

    When All Seems Lost

    The Egyptians were in hot pursuit of the Israelites. Pharaoh had changed his mind… again… and was chasing after his past slaves.

  • Why Are You Afraid?

    Why Are You Afraid?

    And he said to them, “Why are you afraid, O you of little faith?” Then he rose and rebuked the winds and the sea, and there was a great calm. (Matthew 8:26 ESV) “Why are you afraid?” The disciples had seen the past work of Jesus. They had been there for the miracles that…

  • Those Crazy Baby Blues

    Those Crazy Baby Blues

    Roughly 7 months ago, my life was changed. I’ve written about that before here. It flipped my world upside down. I had no clue 9 months before when we read the test positive that this little guy would change my life so much. Being a little bit of a selfish person (admit it, you…