
  • Your Greatest Worry, His Greatest Work

    Your greatest worry has the potential to be some of God’s greatest work! That thing that you’ve had on your mind. That thing that you’ve been scared to tell anyone else. Your teen that you think has forgotten everything you instilled in them. Your spouse who seems to have fallen out of love with…

  • No Perfect People

    I write on this blog about everyday. Sometimes, it may seem like I don’t struggle… Like I don’t face daily temptation, Like I never have a weak moment, Like I never fall, Like I never fail. To assume that though, would be a horrible mistake. I fall, I fail, I doubt, Just like you.…

  • Victory is Yours

    I’ve always been intrigued by the victorious life. In fact, I don’t think God’s pleased when we live a life that says we’re doubtful about the end. Instead, I think God wants us to live a victorious life that proves the end is already in hand. Too often we (Christians) live a timid, defeated…

  • One ‘Thing’

    We all have that one thing… That one thing we wish we could change. That one thing we wish we didn’t have. That one thing we wish we didn’t do. That one characteristic we wish we didn’t display. That one hangup that we wish we could overcome. We all have that one thing……………. Read…

  • 1 Positive Thing About Saying ‘I Don’t Know’

    Sometimes, life seems to move faster than we can. Sometimes, things seem overwhelming. Sometimes, the mountain in front of us looks impossible to climb. Sometimes, the hand we’re dealt leaves us thinking only one thing… The one positive thing about admitting that we don’t know? We find the hope and joy of relying on…

  • Your Situation is Hopeless

    The mountain in front of you is nothing compared to the God with you! He is the Creator, The provider, The sustainer, of EVERYTHING! I know it’s easy to write, I know it’s easy to say, I know it’s easy when it doesn’t apply to you. BUT, The truth of that statement means that…