
  • grace.

    grace. According to Webster, grace means… unmerited, divine, assistance given humans for their regeneration or sanctification. grace. We can’t earn it. It’s completely unmerited. We can’t be good enough. It envolves divine intervention. We can’t get salvation on our own. It requires assistance. We can’t go get it. It’s given freely. We can’t control…

  • The Rocky Path

    When I was still living at home, my parents decided to remodel their kitchen. They decided that they really liked tile floors and called the tile man. I still remember how careful the tile guy was to be sure that he was laying the tile on a smooth surface. Every few minutes, I’d see…

  • What The…?!

    How many of us can honestly say that we always know what we’re doing? A while back, I thought about the fact that I often have little clue about what I’m doing or how to accomplish what I want accomplished. I often have to “wing it” in my everyday life because I tread new…

  • Sleeping In

    I love sleeping! It probably comes as no shock to those of you that read this post. But I love being able to sleep late and wake up feeling refreshed and re-energized. Sometimes, that just isn’t possible. Sometimes, responsibilities take over and keep me from staying in the bed as late as I’d like.…

  • More Of ______.

    Matthew 15:33 The disciples replied, “Where would we get enough food here in the wilderness for such a huge crowd?” Instead of looking at what’s in front of you, look at the capabilities of the God that is with you. You have more than you think. More than you see. More than you can…

  • Get In The Boat

    Genesis 7:1 The LORD then said to Noah, “Go into the ark, you and your whole family, because I have found you righteous in this generation. As I was reading through the story Noah a few days ago, I had this thought… What if Noah, after all that he had done, all the steps…