
  • Chores Are Opportunities

    I don’t know about you, but there are some things that I have to do on occasion that I just don’t wanna do. Sometimes it’s something that I agreed to do beforehand and sometimes it’s just something that I notice needs to be done and am convicted to do. It’s not that I want…

  • #Eli the Underdog & The Giants #SuperBowl Champs

    While many of us were busy eating chips and salsa and buffalo wings while watching the Super Bowl and the Super Bowl commercials, Eli Manning and the New York Giants were busy doing what they’ve become so good at… Winning against the odds. When asked at the beginning of the season if he was…

  • What Good Things Are Happening With You?

    I don’t know about you, but sometimes, hearing about what is going on in someone elses life helps me too. Hearing how things are going well for them and how things are working out in a good way for them makes me believe they will for me as well. We tend to talk more…

  • Today You Will…

    …finally have that conversation you’ve been needing to have. …take the time to be in the moment. …notice sights and sounds that you usually ignore. …give your full effort because you know it’s the right thing. …tell those people you love them and quit assuming they already know it. …forgive what you once thought…

  • 3 Signs God’s Not Done With You

    1. You’re forgiven You were done. You were doomed. Now you’re forgiven. If God were done with you, He wouldn’t have gone to such great lengths to make forgiveness a permanent thing. You’re still forgiven. There’s still hope because you can come to the Father in confidence that He hears you… Just you and…

  • Who or Who’s

    You and I are unacceptable. Seriously, we’re born that way. Ever since the fall of man, we’ve been sinful. It’s what we do. It’s who we are. The good news? Jesus came to change that. He came to change who we are… to change our very identity. It’s not in changing our actions or…