When I was little, one of my family’s favorite traditions was going to the beach every summer. Each summer, we would load up the four of us in our mini van and head to Myrtle Beach. Like a lot of families, I suppose, we would eat at the same restaurants and do mostly the…
Every time I fly, I’m reminded that one great idea by one or two people can change thing forever. Think about the last time you flew somewhere…
Yesterday, I wrote a post about letting who you are determine where you’re going. I recently spoke on this topic and had a list of scriptures that shed some light on who we are as believers in Christ. Hoping these encourage you like they did me… 1 Peter 2:9 – A Royal Priesthood, holy…
Let your identity determine your destination, not your situation… I tweeted that a few days ago and now I can’t get it out of my mind. The truth is, no matter who you are, what you do, or who you are, you are going through or have just come through a situation in life…