Devotional Thought

  • Jesus Wasn’t Perfect, You Won’t Be Either

    Everywhere Jesus went, people had the opportunity to come near to him. He was the walking, living, and breathing Son of God. He was the Savior, the One. But yet, not everyone believed. Jesus called the crowds to him and said, follow me ALL who are weary. Jesus chose 12 people to invest in…

  • Stupid Grace

    I was reading through the story of Joseph a couple of days ago… the part where he takes care of his brothers after he has the power… and had this thought… It makes no sense that Joseph would take care of his brothers. Absolutely none. It’s stupid. They sold him into flipping slavery! But…

  • Is Jesus Excited? It Depends On You.

    Ever since Melissa changed jobs last July, we’ve had Fridays off together. Fridays have been kinda deemed by the two of us as our ‘date day.’ That’s the day we spend out shopping, going to movies, eating out, and whatever else we want to do. We often kinda take turns picking out what we’re…

  • How To Lead A Significant #Movement

    Deuteronomy 5:29 Oh, that their hearts would be inclined to fear me and keep all my commands always, so that it might go well with them and their children forever! Everyone wants to make a difference. Everyone wants to do something significant. Everyone wants their life to count beyond their own time on earth.…

  • You Need Three Loves

    With all of the things you and I have going on. With all of the responsibilities and appointments, it’s impossible for us to invest in everyone. So, we have to choose. We have to love everyone (Jesus teaches us this), but we can’t love everyone in the same way… to the same degree. It’s…

  • Believe to See

    I was reading in Daniel 3 a few days ago about the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego getting thrown into the fiery furnace because of their complete unwillingness to worship king Nebuchadnezzar’s hunk of idol junk. I’ve read this story a bunch of times, but I often miss the miracle of it… Or…