
  • Vigor for the Voice

    The amount we desire to hear someone reflects how highly we value that person. A few weeks ago, I was sitting at home reading tweets on my phone when a phone call came in. I checked out the number and saw that it wasn’t someone from my contacts. After pausing for a few seconds…

  • Yes! Name It & Claim It

    Just a quick post to remind us all…. If God said it, it will be. If it’s written in scripture, If God promises it to you, it will be. Claim what He has promised to give you…. Believe it, even if you don’t see it. God’s promised you can do all things He’s called…

  • Your Dream Day

    If you had one day to do whatever you wanted… Cost not an obstacle. Location not an obstacle. Chores not an obstacle. What would you do? 

  • Lose the Fear. Look to Love.

    Fear is a captivating thing. It can steal our joy. It can take our effectiveness. It can weaken our faith. It can separate us from the One that loves us. It can cripple relationships. It can make us miss out on doing something significant. That’s why these verses are so critical to a believer’s…