I love people. Anyone that knows me knows that while it may not be the most comfortable thing to me, I love meeting new people. Whether it be the Wal Mart cashier, a guest at church, or someone I’ve met through a friend, I always love meeting new people for the first time. Through…
Purpose Well sure, you can technically ‘live’ without a purpose, but it’s not going to be one worth while. Purpose is the thing that chains us to our greatest source of life… Jesus. When our purpose comes from a place of helping others know him, it changes our life. Without a purpose, life becomes…
“If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it.” – Genesis 4:7 It’s completely possible to do something that isn’t wrong, but it not be right…
“It’s all about the numbers.” That statement brings about controversy no matter the subject. Some bring that statement into social media and believe that it applies. It’s hard to argue with the fact that numbers don’t lie and that numbers tell a story, but it often depends on what numbers we’re looking at. If…