
  • How to Make A Friend: 3 Suggestions

    This could possibly be one of the most obvious blog topics I’ve ever written about. For some reason, though, I get asked how I’m able to make friends so easily. So, I thought I’d outline a few things that I try to do (these come naturally to me, so I’m not sure how to…

  • Millennial Matters

    I wanted to tell you about a FREE Ebook that I’ve written called Millennial Matters. This ebook outlines three things that I believe all millennials (or anyone else) must understand if they really expect to make a difference in the world. You can download/view it by clicking here. The only think I ask is…

  • Your Favorite Part of Winter

    I can appreciate about any season of the year. Each one has something unique to offer and something unique to experience. Fall has leaves. Summer has swimming. Spring has new growth. But winter has… Christmas and soup! At least those are my 2 favorite things. What about you, what’s the thing you like most…

  • Who or Who’s

    You and I are unacceptable. Seriously, we’re born that way. Ever since the fall of man, we’ve been sinful. It’s what we do. It’s who we are. The good news? Jesus came to change that. He came to change who we are… to change our very identity. It’s not in changing our actions or…

  • Joe Paterno: Legend to Lost

    Watching SportsCenter and watching the national news for the last few days or a week has been a little bit frustrating and saddening.Watching someone like Joe Paterno (or JoePa) lose his reputation and legacy in a matter of a few days has been tough to watch. I tend to agree that Penn State University…

  • A Simple Leadership Technique: Love

    Love the people you lead. Yeah, it sounds simple. We learned it in the first decent leadership book we ever read. But in the heat of the moment, when the pressure is on, when our butt is to the fire, it’s easy to overlook. A genuine love loves at all times. That’s real leadership.…