
  • 3 Stages of Understanding

    3 Stages of Understanding

    When I come across new music that I like, I rarely just buy one song off of iTunes. I usually buy the entire album. After I download it, I listen straight through the CD. My thinking, of course, is that if I like the one song, I may like the entire album. As I…

  • Paint Your Canvas

    When an artist stands in front of a blank canvas for the first time, the possibilities are endless. The artist can paint absolutely anything they want inside the parameters of the canvas and the paint that sits in front of them. They determine what goes on to the canvas, the mood of the painting,…

  • Chores Are Opportunities

    I don’t know about you, but there are some things that I have to do on occasion that I just don’t wanna do. Sometimes it’s something that I agreed to do beforehand and sometimes it’s just something that I notice needs to be done and am convicted to do. It’s not that I want…

  • You Need Three Loves

    With all of the things you and I have going on. With all of the responsibilities and appointments, it’s impossible for us to invest in everyone. So, we have to choose. We have to love everyone (Jesus teaches us this), but we can’t love everyone in the same way… to the same degree. It’s…

  • 30 Times You Shouldn’t #Tweet

    While using the bathroom When you’ve had an argument with your spouse. When you’re in the shower. During your best friend’s wedding. During certain ‘spousal activities’. While at a funeral. While giving the eulogy at a funeral. During counseling sessions. During a job interview. While driving. During your own wedding. While in a meeting…