
  • Do You Have to Tell People You’re A Leader? Then You’re Probably Not

    Do You Have to Tell People You’re A Leader? Then You’re Probably Not

    Being a young leader, I know that one of the greatest things I can do right now is observe more experienced leaders and the situations they act in. To survey what happens, how they react, and how they lead. As I do that, I’ve come to notice… If you have to tell people you’re…

  • 22 Of My Favorite Tweets from The 2012 Leadership Summit

    22 Of My Favorite Tweets from The 2012 Leadership Summit

    Last week, I had the chance to attend my first ever simulcast of the Global Leadership Summit. I tweeted a bunch over the 2 days, but wanted to share my absolute favorite quotes and tweets. This is leadership twitter gold!

  • 8 on 8’s – OTHER BELIEVERS

    8 on 8’s – OTHER BELIEVERS

    Reference: John 13:35 [Today’s 8 on 8 post comes from Sandy Bowers. You can submit an 8 word post if you’d like here.]

  • 10 Scriptures That Reveal Our Real Identity

    10 Scriptures That Reveal Our Real Identity

    Yesterday, I wrote a post about letting who you are determine where you’re going. I recently spoke on this topic and had a list of scriptures that shed some light on who we are as believers in Christ. Hoping these encourage you like they did me… 1 Peter 2:9 – A Royal Priesthood, holy…

  • What’s Determining Your Destination?

    What’s Determining Your Destination?

    Let your identity determine your destination, not your situation… I tweeted that a few days ago and now I can’t get it out of my mind. The truth is, no matter who you are, what you do, or who you are, you are going through or have just come through a situation in life…

  • Identity Check: Video

    I spoke a couple of weeks ago about the great Identity crisis that exists in many Christians today. We forget who we are… that we’re adopted sons and daughters of God. I told the story of jesus in the Garden of Gathsemene to help illustrate it. Thought I’d pass it along… [View my Youtube…