
  • The One Thing You Need to Kill

    The One Thing You Need to Kill

    The thing that isn’t working. I know it sounds obvious. You’re probably thinking, “Duh, why am I even reading this.” The truth is, though, that people everywhere are doing things that aren’t effective. They’ve been doing them for years. They’re still doing them. Churches all across the country have ministries and methods that simply…

  • The One That Paid It All Knows It All

    The One That Paid It All Knows It All

    In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. – John 1:1 (NIV) We celebrate the resurrection of Jesus on Easter. RESURRECTION! It’s not like it was the the death, the final, or the end. It was the life, the beginning, and the victory. It was…

  • The Leader Isn’t Always The Most Talented

    The Leader Isn’t Always The Most Talented

    Leading can be a weighty calling. The pressure of being responsible for a vision and being responsible for people can often be plenty of pressure in and of itself. Couple those pressures with the idea that the leader is always the most talented, and leadership can feel like a calling that just isn’t worth…

  • The Beginner’s Guide to Church Communication

    The Beginner’s Guide to Church Communication

    From what I hear and see around the Internet and in conversations with people in churches, church communications seems to be a growing topic of concentration. For good reason. Communication, both with the church members and attenders as well as communication with those in our community, is essential to a growing and vibrant church.…

  • Young Leader: Do This One Thing

    Young Leader: Do This One Thing

    The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom, and whatever you get, get insight. Proverbs 4:7 (ESV) What great advice for young leaders! I see this as such a big problem for young people (and older people alike). The problem? We think we don’t need any help from anyone else. We look at the…

  • Half Full or Half Empty? Problems or Solutions?

    Half Full or Half Empty? Problems or Solutions?

    I’m not an “everything is always rosy” person. I do, though, think that there is a lot of power in how we think and that we can speak things with our words that really do come to pass. I don’t believe enough attention is paid to the fact that we, as Christians, need to be a…