
  • When Vision and Strategy Don’t Matter

    When Vision and Strategy Don’t Matter

    One of the key elements to being a good leader is being a good dreamer. In fact, I’ve heard it said that leadership is dead if it’s void of vision. I absolutely believe that’s true. Proverbs tells us that without vision, the people perish. Make no mistake about it, vision and dreaming is essential…

  • 2 Ways to Never Start A Sentence

    2 Ways to Never Start A Sentence

    There are certain words and phrases that you and I say that put us in a place to say nothing but something negative. The little conversation movers transition our conversations from innocent talk to something negative about someone else. It happens quickly. They are short statements, but can do great damage if we allow…

  • Leader: Entrust Others

    Leader: Entrust Others

    In Acts 20, Paul delivers a little farewell speech to the people of Ephesus. Paul had lead that church for a while, but was about to leave to never return. I love what Paul says in Acts 20:32, he says… “And now I entrust you to God and the message of his grace that…

  • A Lesson From iOS 7: Better To Be Real You Than Fake Them

    A Lesson From iOS 7: Better To Be Real You Than Fake Them

    The announcement of iOS 7 a few weeks ago was one that people from all over the world watched with anticipation. All of us Apple fanboys (I’ll admit it) kinda knew what was going to be unveiled… or at least what was supposed to be unveiled. At the end of the day, what we…

  • Resolving the Agony Over Discovering God’s Will For Your Life

    Brethren, do not be children in understanding; however, in malice be babes, but in understanding be mature. ~ 1 Corinthians 14:20 The following article is the Introduction to Frank Viola’s eBook Rethinking God’s Will. If you are a Christian in your late teens, 20s, or 30s, this book will be of particular help to you.…

  • Leader: Use Your Influence Wisely

    Leader: Use Your Influence Wisely

    We’ve all seen it. It goes something like this… A person with God given leadership ability and charisma uses their gifts and influence to gain something personally. Maybe it was for something that would lead to a moral failure. Maybe it was for something they thought they just had to have at the time.…