
  • Evolution is Real, We Have to Adapt

    Evolution is Real, We Have to Adapt

    Now, before you shut me down, I’m probably not saying what you think I’m saying…. All I’m saying is that things change. Culture changes. People change. Everything evolves over time. Sometimes, it may not seem like it’s for the best, but things do evolve and change. Think about the last 10 years and how…

  • His Price. Your Value.

    His Price. Your Value.

    You wake up some days and think what on earth am I here for? How did I get here? What’s the point? If you’re honest with yourself, you’ve been there. You’ve had doubts about who you are and what you we’re made for. You’ve had doubts about how significant you really are.

  • The One Thing Jesus Wants From Us

    The One Thing Jesus Wants From Us

    Just then he looked up and saw the rich people dropping offerings in the collection plate. Then he saw a poor widow put in two pennies. He said, “The plain truth is that this widow has given by far the largest offering today. All these others made offerings that they’ll never miss; she gave…

  • 2 Myths About Millennials

    2 Myths About Millennials

    The millennial generation (those in their 20 and early 30’s now) has managed to gain a lot of generalizations about their attitude and work ethic. We’ve been called a lazy generation and a generation that is better at criticizing than helping. Sure, some of us certainly have played into the formulation of that stereotype,…

  • A Spark, A Fire, and You

    A Spark, A Fire, and You

    A fire starts from one single spark that decides to latch on to something else. Imagine for a second that that thing inside of you, that passionate place deep within you, that cause you care about, that talent you’ve never share, imagine if you would let that out. Imagine what would happen if you…

  • Young Leaders: You Have to Adopt This Trait

    Young Leaders: You Have to Adopt This Trait

    We’ve all been there. We start out doing something with the greatest conviction possible. We work hard to rally people around us to help us. We put a lot of time, dedication, and preparation into making sure it’s done right. We put energy into training other people to do it the way we think…