
  • What I’ve Learned From 1,000 Blog Posts

    What I’ve Learned From 1,000 Blog Posts

    This is my 1,000th blog post on this blog (I’ve done a few guest posts). At least my 1,000th blog post that is on WordPress. When I started this thing, I used Blogger. When I heard all about the advantages of WordPress, I was already 100 or so posts in, so I had to…

  • Young Leader // 4 Things That Do Not Cause Burnout

    Young Leader // 4 Things That Do Not Cause Burnout

    Burnout for any leader is a real thing. Burnout is what happens when a leader (or anyone for that matter) runs at such a pace in whatever they’re doing that they run out of energy and exuberance for it. Usually, it’s because they’re so busy pouring out energy, ideas, and care for the people…

  • 2 Things To Never Do During Conflict

    2 Things To Never Do During Conflict

    I’m certainly no expert at handling conflict. I’ve made my share of “in the heat of the argument” mistakes. In all of it, though, I’ve managed to learn some things about handling conflict. Now, we need to remember that every conflict is different. How to handle it can vary by who we’re around, who…

  • The Bridge From Words to Change

    The Bridge From Words to Change

    And the disciples went everywhere and preached, and the Lord worked through them, confirming what they said by many miraculous signs. (Mark 16:20 NLT) Confirmation is the bridge from our words to real change. (click to tweet that) No matter what we do, without confirmation, few people will be effected.

  • Why God Needs You

    Why God Needs You

    Ephesians 3:20 (NIV) Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine… Ephesians 3:20 is one of our favorite verses to quote. In fact, it’s one of those verses we love to quote in just about any situation in life… good or bad. It inspires us to…