
  • 2 Things I Want People To Say About Me When I’m Dead

    2 Things I Want People To Say About Me When I’m Dead

    We don’t really like to think about death. Not that we’re necessarily scared of it, but it kinda puts a damper on everything when we start to think about it or plan for it. I do, though, think we kind of write our own funeral over the years of our life. The things we…

  • Young Leader // Forget The Practice of Saying No

    Young Leader // Forget The Practice of Saying No

    Well, not completely. Here’s what I mean… There’s a lesson many leaders and people in general get told that goes something like, “You’ve gotta learn to say no.” I understand the sentiment behind that statement and it’s certainly a good practice in some cases… In a few cases. Sometimes, we have to say no…

  • 10 Thanksgiving Quotes

    10 Thanksgiving Quotes

    Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough. – Oprah Winfrey Gratitude is the inward feeling of kindness received. Thankfulness is the natural impulse to express that feeling. Thanksgiving is the following of that impulse. – Harry…

  • 3 Things Jesus Never Did

    3 Things Jesus Never Did

    WWJD? We all remember when that was the hot button thing to say when a friend of yours was about to do something wrong. We were even told to ask ourselves, “WWJD?” when we were faced with a temptation. That trend lasted through the late 90’s/early 2,000’s. We had bracelets and bookmarks and clothing…

  • How We’re All Human And Why It’s Tough

    How We’re All Human And Why It’s Tough

    It’s hard being human. You know what I’m saying? In fact, it’s so hard that we’re really good at it. What I mean is it’s tough being human because we think things and do things that we have no business thinking and doing. It doesn’t take you or I long at our local Wal…