
  • 3 Reasons Who You’re Dating May Be the One

    3 Reasons Who You’re Dating May Be the One

    One of the most common stats we hear about millennials today is the amount that are living with their parents and remaining unmarried past the age of 28. It’s a fairly common scenario. And that’s not a bad thing. It’s totally okay to stay at home to save money. It’s okay to move home…

  • 2 Suggestions For When You’re Hopeless

    2 Suggestions For When You’re Hopeless

    Hope is one of life’s most basic needs. I know that sounds odd. I know things like food and water are supposed to be in the top of the list, but we should add hope to that list as well. Those that have lost hope or don’t have hope will tell you just how…

  • My iPhone Setup // How One Young Leader Uses His iPhone to Get It Done

    My iPhone Setup // How One Young Leader Uses His iPhone to Get It Done

    One of my hobbies (I guess it’d be considered a hobby) is iPhone and iPad setups and apps. I don’t know why they intrigue me so much, but it’s something about the entire productivity/workflow structure of iOS that really keeps my interest. Lately, I’ve been reading a lot of “Here’s my iPhone or iPad…

  • 5 Signs You’re Just A Wanna Be Leader

    5 Signs You’re Just A Wanna Be Leader

    The world is full of want to be leaders. Social media and popular culture has made it  easy to consider yourself a “leader” regardless if you actually lead anyone or not. Being a real leader actually requires that you lead a corporation, a non profit, a staff, a family, or yourself well. There are…

  • …But the Lord…

    …But the Lord…

    …because the Lord was with him; and whatever he did, the Lord made it prosper. (Genesis 39:23) At the end of Genesis 39, we read that The Lord was with Joseph. If you go back and read that chapter and see it in context, it kinda feels like the Bible is lying to us.…

  • 10 Things 20 Somethings Should Do

    10 Things 20 Somethings Should Do

    The world is a fast changing and quickly evolving place. For those of us that are young, it can feel like its impossible to get ahead. The temptation can be to only look at ourselves and think of our own interests. We can’t operate like that… We shouldn’t at least. Here are 10 things…