
  • Not Afraid

    With the economy in shambles and the worries over the next presendetial election, it seems as if some Christians are forgetting who has the economy, the White House, and the world in His hands.  No matter what happens to the economy or who is elected president, God still runs the country and it’s still…

  • What You May Not Know (2)

    Yesterday, I wrote some things that most people that are close to me probably don’t know.  In case you missed it, here it is.  I promised you some more, and I’m a man of my word…  I have an addictive personality.  I tend to get on kicks.  I see something I like and I do it often. …

  • What You May Not Know (1)

    I thought I would write about what most people that are close to me still probably don’t know… I get nervous in front of people.  I’m serious.  Most people think that I get in front of people and just start talking without any anxiety.  I really do get nervous before speaking publicly.  I even…

  • How To What

    Worry is something that we all do, whether we’re willing to admit it or not.  We tend to face situations in life and ask “how.”  We ask how everything’s going to work out, how we’re going to make the payment, or how we’re going to survive another day at the same job.  We tend to ask…