Ron Edmondson had this quote Thursday on Twitter: “Faith is not the absence of fear, but it’s acting by faith in spite of fear.”Wow! When is the last time you ever thought that the way you REACTED to fear was a demonstration of your faith?
First off, what do you think of my new look? A lot different from the last one, but it looks good! One of the cool things about it is the links at the top will take you to a lot of different places, so click around! On to what I really wanted to say……
We have to celebrate when we accomplish our vision. We have to take some time to celebrate all that God has allowed us to do. We have to evaluate where we were when we began the journey and look at the growth that has taken place. We have to praise God for allowing us…
Vision can often get fuzzy while in the heat of battle. Our temporary frustrations combined with our desire for comfort can often prohibit us from seeing our vision. We often become frustrated to the point of calling it quits and returning to the mediocre accomplishments that we had before. We see an example of…
“Don’t exchange short term contentment for long term vision.” This was a quote that I found in my quiet time journal from several months ago. It was completely Spirit given! Many times we exchange our God given vision for a quick solution to a problem. We settle for what we think will make our…
People don’t like change! We don’t like for our routine to be messed with and certainly don’t like to be stretched to do something that we’ve never done. Here are a few reasons why I believe people resist change… Change is the opposite of comfort. Change means that we won’t know how to react…