
  • Active Leader

    “One of the things I’ve learned as a leader is to quit asking God to do things that He has commanded me to do!” This was on Perry Noble’s twitter last night… All I can say is wow!…true in so many ways! Absolutely destroys passive and lazy leadership… How many times have we needed…

  • Cellular Porn

    Not the most entertaining, but some alarming and helpful information…

  • Doing vs. Excelling

    The difference between doing and excelling is as simple as evaluation. No matter how well you think you are doing, ask yourself… What could have been better? Was the product the best that it could have been? What did other people say? Did I give it my all? God calls each of His children…

  • How Do You Know?

    How do you know when you have a good idea? Here are some steps that I go through before I decide to do something new… 1. Think about it from every angle possible. Does it make sense? Can it work where you are? Does it have appeal? Is it safe? Can you do it…

  • Big City Slider Thingy

    A faithful blog reader drew my attention to this earlier in the week. Tell me what you think…seems like another “As Seen on T.V.” gimic to me! “No more squishin’ and squashin’ or flippin’ and floppin’”…sounds like a lot of people have trouble grilling a burger… Anyone have this?

  • Thankful Tuesday

    The things I’m thankful for today… An amazing wifeA privileged callingCalvary Baptist ChurchA great familyA source of incomeA warm houseMy BlackBerryThe local Chinese restaurant Take some time to think about what you’re thankful for today…It’ll brighten your day!