
  • Give Me Jesus

    The popular hymn says, “You can have all this world, but give me Jesus.” This is the point that I’m at in my relationship with God. I’m slowly learning just how much of the stuff of the world really doesn’t matter to me. I’m discovering that anything, when put beside Jesus, doesn’t matter at…

  • How He Loves Us

    I heard this song at Unleash today and couldn’t stop thinking about its words. Had to share it!

  • God Equips and Calls

    God doesn’t ask us to do what He won’t equip us to do. This should be a very freeing statement. In other words, God is the one doing the work in us and through us. Our only job in the process is obedience. God equips His people to do His work. God has given…

  • Easter Egg Dump

    On April 4th, Calvary is doing something a little different to celebrate Easter. It’s not your typical Easter Egg Hunt. It’s kind of an Easter Egg Explosion. We’re having an Easter Egg Dump. That’s right, we will be dumping Easter eggs out of a dump truck! Every egg will have a prize, and a…

  • Life Simplified

    What do people think of when they see you? No, seriously. What do you think most people that know you think of when they see you? I don’ think that most people would be that satisfied with the answer that they find after asking this question (If people were honest with them). The truth…

  • Use What You Have

    Most of us don’t have everything we think we need. Most of us think we would be much happier if we had more money, lost 20 pounds, looked like someone else, or even had a certain talent. Most of us think that there is something that, if we had it, would make us much…