Our culture is changing. Things that were common only 20 years ago are becoming impossible. Things that were rare 20 years ago are becoming common place. Disaster seems to strike nearly every day somewhere in America or in the world.
If you’ve been around my blog for a little while, you probably know about my 17 month old son, Riley. I’ve written about him in the past and even talked about some of what he’s taught me over the few months that I’ve had the privilege of being a Dad.
It’s no secret that the millennial generation (20-30’s) is the largest, most educated, and perhaps most intriguing generation in history. Companies, churches, and non-profits are doing their best to navigate the waters that is young leadership. This group of leaders is essential to the future of any organization, but how do you get solid,…
You can’t study leadership in the context of the Bible and not fall on the story of Moses. From his call until his death, he is leadership wisdom embodied. What he did right provides powerful wisdom to young leaders and experienced leaders alike. What he did wrong helps us understand our own mess ups…
We’ve all heard the saying, “That’s easier said than done.” One of the reasons sayings like that stick around so long is because they’re mostly true. The older I’ve gotten and the more life experience I gain, I really do see how true this statement is. No matter what we’re doing, what our dream…
My personal blog has over 1,300 posts. Those posts have come over a long period of time. I started writing my first post on Blogger in September of 2008. Some of those posts have certainly been better than others and some have certainly taken longer than others to publish. Through those 7 years, I’ve…