A man from the church came to cut our grass today. I felt bad for him when I got back from running errands and saw him still cutting, so I decided to help. I did some weed-eating, some cutting, and some spraying around the yard. After I was finished, I came back in to…
Here’s a little promo video we put together for our Deep Roots Family Conference this summer. We’ll be showing this Sunday… Deep Roots Promo from Jonathan Pearson on Vimeo.
One thing that I am probably a little self conscious about is being so young and trying to teach families how to raise their children. Sometimes I guess I feel like I don’t even deserve to be able to tell parents about what God has called them to do with their children. I’ve never…
I had one of those moments. One of those moments when you realize you had done something that you shouldn’t have. One of those ‘flesh’ moments. I had one of those moments when you find yourself at the end of the line and wonder, “How’d I get here.” It’s amazing that in those moments,…
I realize that I’m not the best blogger in the blogosphere. Some out there may be more candid and better writers. Still, others may be smarter and better. However, I do have a few things going for me on this internet journal type thing. Here is my pledge to you…the reader. 1. I will…
This post was spot on! It has always bugged me that most people think they will never have more on them than they can handle. Isn’t that the point?! This is very true. We have to use what God’s given us, especially if we ever want more! It also went along with this post…