
  • Cheap Grace

    I used to think that I could actually do something good enough for God to like me. For years I spent my time trying to perform for God as if He was keeping tally on a giant scoreboard in heaven. For years, I thought that if I could get polished enough, God would place…

  • Think Positive

    Thomas Edison, after many unsuccessful attempts, said, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” I think that it’s safe to say that Edison was an optimist. I think it’s safe to say that those that think this way live happier and more joyous lives. I think it’s also safe…

  • Gospel It’s

    The Gospel: Preach it! Teach it! Live it! Others WILL get it! Perhaps the most important of these is the living it part…the part that we often get wrong. We can’t live anyway we want and still expect to be effective at spreading the Gospel. Our personal life is tied to the work we…

  • The Problem with the Bible

    The problem with the Bible is our lack to apply it to our lives. A lot of us don’t need to be taught more Bible stories or be told the principles found in the Bible. Most of us just need to apply what we already know. By the way, part of that application is…

  • You’re Not That Bad

    I’m one of those people that loves to beat up on myself when I make a mistake. I think probably most of the population, at least the Christian population, is like this. We do something that we know is wrong or that we shouldn’t have done, and we begin to beat up on ourselves.…

  • Gotta But Can’t

    The last part of 2 Corinthians 6:16 says “I will live in them and walk among them. I will be their God, and they will be my people.” Sometimes we look or think about a verse like this and think that God has a duty to be our God. We look at it and…