
  • At 5 Months

    Here’s a little look at Melissa and I after 5 months of being married… >The love hasn’t done anything but grow since December 20th! >I think the only surprise that we’ve had while living together is her being surprised at how much of a neat freak I really am! >We created a spending budget…

  • This, That, & the Other

    Some random stuff going on in my life… -We’re growing! The youth attendance at CBC has tripled over the last 5 weeks. The thing that has helped us grow is people simply inviting their friends. It also goes to show you that no matter the age, preaching the Gospel works! -We’re moving! Over the…

  • R-E-S-P-E-C-T

    I know that I’m still really young. As a matter of fact, a lot of people would say that I’m one of those young “Whipper Snappers” that sometimes thinks he knows a little too much. That may be true, but I still think that I do have some knowledge of a few things. One…

  • Recently Following…

    Here are a few blogs that I’ve recently added to my Google Reader. I thought I would share some of them with you… Benjamin Smoak Church Crunch Brad Cooper And, of course, here are some that I’ve always followed… MJ Harvell Perry Noble There you go, that should give you something to kill…

  • All the Gifts, No Work

    Colossians 1:13-14 have been stuck in my head all day. Here’s what it says… “For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.” What amazes me about these verses is the fact that…

  • 3 Misconceptions About Us and God

    1. It’s about what I do, not about what He’s done. 2. We can impress God. 3. God stops loving me when I sin. I think I’m guilty of thinking all of these. What things do you allow to creep into your mind that aren’t true? How can we guard against beginning to think…