
  • Think About It

    Here are some recent things that God has spoken to me at some pretty random times throughout the day. Take some time to think through some of these and see if they speak to your life as well… Following Christ is not a game we play, it’s a life we lead. Our wildest dreams…

  • Keep Moving

    Mark 4:35 is kind of one of those verses that we usually skim over to get to the next story of Jesus. We sometimes feel like we don’t even have to read those transitional parts in scripture. However, there’s some great insight in these little tid bits of the Bible. Jesus and His disciples…

  • Pneuma in August

    Just wanted to give you all a little insight into what we’re doing at Pneuma on Wednesday nights at CBC. Here’s what’s coming in August… This will be a 2 part series on the different things that life throws at teens. Sometimes life is good, sometimes, life is tough. We’ll look at what the…

  • You Are the One!

    I’ve noticed a trend in many people’s lives. Most people believe God did what He said He did and believe that He can still do it, they just don’t believe He can do it in, through, or around them. I don’t have a survey from research, but I can prove it. Here are different…

  • What You Think, You Are

    What you think, you are. Now don’t read too much into that statement, but I think it has a lot of truth to it. I’ve noticed that when I think of positive things, things usually go more positive for me. I’ve also noticed that when I think of the worst and look for bad…

  • God or Tradition

    Matthew 15:3 “Jesus replied, and why do you break the command of God for the sake of your tradition?” Just a few thoughts on this passage… What are we doing as the Church (global) that we only do because of tradition that breaks God’s commands? What are we not doing as the church (local)…