
  • Children Matter

    10% of 9-10 year olds have started drinking. Nearly 1/3 of kids have their first drink by age 13. 1/4 of 14 year olds have reported drinking in the past year. 40% of individuals who start drinking before the age of 13 will develop alcohol problems later in life. For 12-13 year olds, inhalants…

  • CSU vs. Florida

    Thought the football coach at my alma mater did a GREAT job with this interview!

  • Where’s Your Focus?

    Our focus determines our direction. It’s true in any walk of life. It’s true in any organization. It’s true in our spiritual lives. If our focus is on ourselves, others, or our own personal goals, our direction want be towards where God is calling us. I think that one of the great problems within…

  • Where’d The Time Go?

    I’m not perfect (some of you that know me may be in shock right now :-). I mess up constantly in life. I let my flesh get the best of me at times. Recently, though, I’ve begun to realize that one of the most commons times I fail to be who God wants me…

  • One With Bad Aim

    I’ve always heard the saying, “You miss 100% of the shots you never take.” That is a true statement, but what if we took it a little further and said, “You miss 100% of the shots you do take if you have pitiful aim.” Truth is, what we’re aiming at sometimes matters more than…

  • What Dominates You?

    We are created to worship. Everyone of us worships something. When we FAIL to worship God, we’re SUCCEEDING in worshipping something else (making an idol). What dominates your time? What dominates your financial budget? What dominates your mind? What dominates your adoration? What dominates your priorities?