
  • Random Wednesday Humor

    For those of you with pets…

  • All In?

    “Christianity, if false, is of no importance, and if true, of infinite importance. The only thing it cannot be is moderately important.” – C.S. Lewis Are you all in? It either deserves our life, or our nothing… By not giving it your all, you’re essentially saying it deserves your nothing… Praying I live ALL…

  • Teens’ Biggest Problems

    We all know the typical problems that are associated with teenagers. We all know about the real temptations that today’s teens face. These temptations are real and difficult. While teens certainly face the temptations of drugs, sex, and alcohol, from my experience there’s a larger problem facing today’s teen…an identity problem. This problem of…

  • My Favorite 30 Minutes

    Every Thursday for the last month I’ve spent 10:45-11:15 with these 3 7th graders (I’m in the red shirt :-). I’m not there to do much except for read a book with them and help them understand what they’re reading a little better. But, these 30 minutes of my week are quickly becoming some…

  • Caption?

    One of the things I really like about the iPhone is the Photo Shop app. I used it with this photo. What caption could go with this photo? I’ll start…”To: You, From: God” From Amy Bailey “The best part of waking up… ” (tune of Folgers commercial)

  • Revelation Song

    For those of you that haven’t had the priviledge of hearing this song…enjoy!