
  • The Secret to Unity Is This!

    The Secret to Unity Is This!

    Humility. It’s one of those words that we use and seldom think about what it means. Humility means… We think more of others. We keep things in perspective. We fight for unity over being right. We don’t deny our gifts, just that it isn’t about us. There’s 2 very different stories in scripture. One…

  • 3 Ways to Better Lead Your Young Family

    3 Ways to Better Lead Your Young Family

    I’m a young guy. I’ve been married for a little over 7 years. My son is just 21 months old (when do we quit counting months?). Over the last couple of years, though, I’ve learned some things about being a husband, father, and leader. Much of it is taught by the good people I’ve…

  • Finishing Well Means You Get To Start Well Too

    Finishing Well Means You Get To Start Well Too

    We like when things “finish.” We like it when the guy gets his girl at the end of the movie. We like it when the good guy gets the bad guy before the closing credits. We like it when an underdog story comes full circle to win.

  • A Note To Leaders: Why Your Personal Life Matters

    A Note To Leaders: Why Your Personal Life Matters

    I’m a picky eater. Not only when it comes to the food I eat, but also when it comes to how I eat it. I don’t like for stuff to touch on my plate. Yeah, I’ve heard the argument, “Well, it’s all going to the same place anyway.” I understand that, but I don’t…

  • A Free Christmas Wallpaper

    A Free Christmas Wallpaper

    I love wallpapers! Who doesn’t, right? Occasionally, I like to share what I find. I have a few favorite sites to get them from, but occasionally, I take a photo with my phone that makes a great wallpaper. (those sites are here and here) Last week I took this photo while looking at Christmas lights…

  • 4 Warnings For Young Leaders

    4 Warnings For Young Leaders

    Your way may not be the only way This is a tough one. The truth is, though, sometimes there’s more than one way to do something. If someone on your team isn’t doing something the way you’d do it, it may not be wrong, it may just be their way. How do you know?