
  • There’s No I in Integrity

    Growing up and playing sports, I became accustomed to a saying that says, “There’s no ‘I’ in Team.” That’s a good point. After all, if there was an I in team, it would look something more like “tieam” and no one knows what that means. However, when you look at the word “Integrity,” there…

  • Your Faith

    Galatians 3:14 He redeemed us in order that the blessing given to Abraham might come to the Gentiles through Christ Jesus, so that by faith we might receive the promise of the Spirit. I’m often disheartened by people that think that they must do or have done something to earn their salvation. It would…

  • I’m Still in Love

    This is what Melissa and I were up to one year ago today. In fact, it’s hard for me to believe it’s already been a year. Over the past year, I’ve gotten to know a lot more about this young lady that I married. She’s very opionated. She really likes a good scalp massage.…

  • One of Those Days

    Ever have “one of those days”? One of those days when you feel like going back to bed as soon as you wake up, but when you actually do, you aren’t satisfied either? I have “one of those days” periodically. Usually it only lasts for a day, and disappears the next morning. I don’t…

  • What’s Your Response?

    Luke 2:17 When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, The shepherds had just witnessed the most amazing event in human history. Nothing in the course of human history had been as important as seeing Christ…nothing has been as important since. Notice the shepherds’…

  • Favorite Holiday Tradition

    One of my favorite things about the holiday season are the traditions that I’ve developed over the years. Now, some families have some very weird traditions. Your family may be one of those that has some weird traditions. Maybe every year your family has spaghetti Christmas eve or something. We want to hear about…