
  • Your Favorite Professional Sport

    This time of the year is one of the greatest I can think of to be a sports fan. The NHL playoffs are underway. The NBA playoffs are going on. The PGA is in full swing. NASCAR is going in circles. The MLB season has started. If someone could think of a way to…

  • What to Do When You Don’t Want to Do: Struggles in spending time with God

    This post may be completely for me. In fact, you may be able to stop reading and move to your next thing in a few lines. BUT… If you ever don’t feel like going to church, spending alone time with God, serving others, or praying, keep reading. You see, I’ve noticed something. It seems…

  • The Thing You Must Be Sure Of

    We live in a world of uncertainty. Things are going on around us and things are happening to us that we’re never completely sure about. We’re forced to make quick decisions and sometimes make them without being certain they’re right. There are a lot of things in life to be unsure of. Sometimes, uncertainty…

  • Raise Thee Up for Free!

    I just wanted to take a second and mention an exciting opportunity. Michael Holmes is offering an audio download of his book, “Raise Thee Up” for FREE. Michael has written several guest posts on this blog including… 5 Surefire Ways to be Fired by God How to Lead After a Bad Leader How to…

  • Tasty or Repulsive?

    I’ve been seeing this “sandwich” being advertised on TV for the past couple of weeks. It seems that KFC has gotten mad at the bun and decided to use their chicken breasts as a replacement. In between the two chicken breasts is a couple of pieces of bacon and a couple of pieces of…

  • World in Hand

    The deepest need that you and I have in weakness and adversity is not quick relief, but the well-grounded confidence that what is happening to us is part of the greatest purpose of God in the universe – the glorification of the grace and power of his Son – the grace and power that…