
  • New Kid On the Block – Android Tablet

    So, I always figured that I’d get an iPad at some point to go along with my iPhone. A couple of weeks ago, I got tired of AT&T’s service and switched to an Android on Verizon. I came across this video today and it really has me thinking of diving headfirst into the Android…

  • Why Don’t We Do Something?

    Stories like this one from Time Magazine trouble me. Not just because someone committed suicide over the actions of others, but because no one seems to do anything about it. Instead, we choose to picket abortion clinics and boycott Disney. I wonder…. What would have happened had this child realized his value in Christ?…

  • 5 Signs FB is Taking Over Your Life

    A few months ago, I did a post about the top 10 signs you’re addicted to twitter… you can read that here. Here are the top 5 signs that Facebook is taking over your life. 1. You’ve seen “Social Network” 5 times already. 2. You check your Facebook inbox more regularly than your postal…

  • Jesus Ain’t My Homeboy

    Jesus Ain’t My Homeboy

    When I was growing up, I always had a lot of friends. Some of these friends were really close. They were the ones that I spent most of my time with and loved being around. Some of these friends were more casual. They were the ones that I saw at school and occasionally hung…

  • Hi-Lights: Sun Stand Still

    I just finished Sun Stand Still by Steven Furtick. Here are some of the things I highlighted as I read… Accomplishing the impossible is all about seeing the invisible (pg. 23). But audacious vision never cowers in the darkness. The darker it gets, the brighter our faith can shine. Audacious faith takes Jesus at…

  • 4 Consequences of Failed Communication

    Communication is seldom noticed, until it fails. Last week, the staff of Cornerstone went on a staff retreat. One of the things we discussed was communication between the staff. It’s not that we necessarily often fail in this area, in fact, we usually don’t. However, communication and it’s importance often gets over-looked until it…