I’m not a parent yet, but I’ve heard the stories of how a newborn baby completely changes their parents’ lives as soon as they’re born. The parents’ priorities change, their time schedules change, their budgets change, their focus changes. All of a sudden they have the responsibility of a human life other than their…
Like most Sunday afternoons, yesterday I sat down to watch some football… (After all, Sundays are made for church, napping, and football.) As I was flipping through the games, I came across Tim Tebow and his first start in the NFL. For those of you that don’t follow football, Tim Tebow is a verbal…
If something’s worth buying into, it’s worth bringing others along for the ride. Some of the greatest salesmen are people that were once a customer of their company. The ones that were so thrilled with what they bought that they ended up selling it. Not only are they happy customers, they’re happy salesmen. No…
This Christmas, most of us will get something from a store, wrap it up, put it under a tree and give it to someone. When they open it (whether they actually like the gift or not), they’ll smile and talk about how much they’ve been wanting what we just gave them. Many of us…
It happens to all of us from time to time. Some may see it as what it is, others may be a little more naive. It may be the work of the enemy, it may be the work of the flesh. It’s that thing that tries it’s best to pull us from God. I’ve…