I hate waking up to an alarm clock. It doesn’t really matter what time of the day the alarm is set for, if it wakes me up, I’m in a bad mood for at least a few minutes. I’ve joked with the people that I work with that I come close to quitting every…
Yesterday, I posted about 6 lessons I learned while reading through Acts 9 a few days ago. These are some really applicable lessons, no matter who you are or what you do. I thought they deserved a little more explanation… 1. Significant impact is often made by ordinary people with extraordinary potential. No matter…
I was reading through Acts a few days ago and came to Acts 9. We often view this chapter as the conversion of Saul, but it has a lot more than just one event. Here are some leadership lessons I jotted down as I was reading… 1. Significant impact is often made by ordinary…