
  • Don’t Just Throw Your Weight Around

    Leadership is about priority, not position. No matter what we’re leading, it’s important that we lead because it’s a priority to us, not simply because we’ve been placed in a position to do so. The truth is, everyone can work their way into some type of leadership POSITION. Whether it be leading a family,…

  • 4 Questions

    1. What’s your favorite spring activity? 2. Cable or Satelitte? 3. If given the opportunity tomorrow, would you rather spend a day alone, or with a group of people? 4. What’s the best news you’ve gotten in the last 6 months?

  • Know Your Market

    I don’t know if you’ve noticed or if it’s necessarily the case where you live, but where I live, Dollar General stores have popped up everywhere. Anytime I ride by one or reluctantly walk in one :), I can’t help but notice how they all seem to have a booming business. The reason? In…

  • What The…?!

    How many of us can honestly say that we always know what we’re doing? A while back, I thought about the fact that I often have little clue about what I’m doing or how to accomplish what I want accomplished. I often have to “wing it” in my everyday life because I tread new…

  • Getting Pumped

    For the past couple of weeks, I’ve been on a health binge. I’m not necessarily trying to lose a ton of weight, but I’m trying to get a little more fit. Trying to become a little less squishy. Just out of curiosity today… What’s your best diet/workout advice? Why should I use it (how’d…

  • The Key to Improvement

    Like a lot of people, when the specs for the iPad 2 were unveiled a few days ago, I found myself saying, “I want one!” Apparently even the iPad’s competitor thought the same thing… “Apple made it very thin (…) We will have to improve the parts that are inadequate,” Lee Don-Joo told Yonhap…