
  • 3 Things Young Leaders Need to Say

    Last week, I wrote a post listing 3 things young leaders need to hear from their senior leader or from the people around them. I wanted to cover the other side of this relationship today. 3 things young leaders need to say…. “I need your help.” The truth is, no one has ALL the…

  • 2 Most Powerful Words

    THANK YOU. It’s amazing what a simple ‘Thank you’ can do. It has the ability to turn bad days into good days. It has the ability to turn over-worked people into over-joyed people. It has the ability to strenghthen the weak. It has the ability to motivate the tired. It has the ability to…

  • 3 Things Young Leaders Need to Hear

    I have a great leader in Artie Davis. In the time that I’ve known him, I’ve grown incredibly as a young leader. I’ve learned some valuable lessons along the way and realized that young leaders need to hear these 3 things… 1. “I believe in you.” Everyone needs to know that someone else believes…

  • When God Pulls the Pin

    Yesterday, Melissa and I got an announcement that will quite literally change our lives (no Mom, no baby). Melissa got a new job that is going to cut her driving time by about 45 minutes. It may seem like just a small inconvenience, but It’s something we’ve been praying for and waiting for. During…

  • 4 Questions

    1. What’s your favorite kind of pie? 2. What’s the name of 1 person that you look up to? 3. What’s one exciting thing happening or that has happened in your life? 4. How often do you wash your car?

  • Social Media Strategy

    Social Media Strategy

    Because I don’t believe in doing anything just because, I started thinking about my reason for using social media. The reason I… Tweet. Respond to tweets. Spend valuable time on this blog. Respond to comments and promote conversation on this blog. Take the time to send pictures to my Posterous. Check my Facebook regularly.…