
  • Honor Your Leader: 10 Ways to Do It

    Leadership is not for the faint of heart. There’s a lot of pressure on a leader, no matter what they’re leading. I’ve come to realize that leading can be a lonely and often stressful position. Here are 10 ways to honor your leader… 1. Follow them. 2. Talk positive about them. 3. Give them…

  • 4 Questions

    1. Were you raptured? :-) 2. If you had to just take one snack on a road trip, it’d be? 3. What’s your favorite food? 4. Who/What are you listening to these days?

  • Confidence or Cockiness?

    I read this article the other day about HP’s mobile devices. After I clicked off of it, I couldn’t help but think of the confidence that HP has in what they make… in who they are. Here’s a quote the article has from one of HP’s head dudes… In the PC world, with fewer…

  • Division is Easier: 1 Step to Change the World

    I read a lot of the same blogs, web sites, and articles that you do. We engage in the same kind of conversations centered around Christianity, the church, and methodology. What breaks my heart about reading these things and engaging in these conversations is what often happens after they’re published or said. Instead of…

  • Looking Forward

    With Melissa changing jobs soon, she has a couple of days between her last day at her current job and her first day at her new job. We’re using that time to get away for a few days and spend some time catching a Braves game, shopping, and relaxing. It’s amazing how much better…