Crave or Cram
1 John 2:16 For the world offers only a craving for physical pleasure, a craving for everything we see, and pride in our achievements and possessions. These are not from the Father, but are from this world. The world offers me a lot of things that I crave… Stuff. Popularity. Money. Fun. I admit,…
Pain or Passion: How to Make What You Do Count
You don’t have to live very long to realize that sometimes, everyone has to do things they don’t necessarily want to do. For some, it’s a job that they don’t like. For some, it’s a chore that they dread. For some, it’s a meeting that they have to sit in. For some, it’s a…
Consistency is Key
One of man’s greatest tools is consistency. That sounds like a bold statement, until you think about it. Consistency means, the quality or fact of staying the same at different times. That means that, the things we do, we do them over and over again with the same amount of quality and integrity. Whether…
The Church Abandoned
In small town America, it’s not hard to find an old and abandoned building. It’s not hard to find a building standing on the side of the road that was once a home to a local business that just couldn’t cut it once the competition opened up down the street. The abandoned building stands…
It Would Change the World If…
A few days ago, I started writing these words down. After thinking through them and seeing how I can apply these elements to my own life and what areas I need to change to get to these places, I started thinking that maybe they were for all of us. Afterall, I’ll need help in…