Intentional Faith: Why My Bird Died
When I was about 7 years old, I talked my mom into buying me a pet parakeet. We went to the pet store, bought the bird, a cage, all the extras that I just had to have and got my new friend set up in my room. I started out doing pretty well. I’d…
Snapshots & Perspective
We often see life in snapshots. Since we don’t know the details of the future, we see the present and the past. As we look at the past, we often see a snapshot of the positive. We remember how in the ‘good ole days’ we did this or that. We remember how great things…
Rules of Leadership
John Wooden had 3 rules, be on time don’t use profanity don’t criticize a teammate. Those were his rules for basketball, but they’d also be great words for leading anything. Leaders take the initiative to be on time… it shows their vision. Leaders take the initiative to not use profanity… it shows their self-control.…
A Faith Story
For those of you that have followed or heard about the story of little Naomi (@ez37‘s daughter), I thought I’d pass along this video we showed at Cornerstone a few weekends ago. It’s an incredible story of faith and faithfulness. To follow the story, read Chris’ blog here.
Show Your Character
I’ve always believed that one of the truest tests of our character is… how we react when someone wrongs us. Do we wrong them back? Do we forgive and move on? Do we slander them with words? I think that says a lot about who we really are… behind the curtain. What’s one thing…