• 3 Most Powerful Words in the English Language

    “I love you.” Those 3 words, when used together may be the most powerful words in the English language. Those 3 words have the power to… Turn desperation into hope. Make bad days into good days. Cause hearts to skip a beat. Provide purpose to a life of monotony. But we rarely use those…

  • Where Google+ Failed & What We Can Learn

    I opened my email and clicked the link as soon as my Google plus invite appeared in my inbox. I jumped on, began to check stuff out, and began to invite other people almost immediately. For the next few days, I spent a chunk of time reading, responding to updates, and connecting with people…

  • What’s Amazing?

    AMAZING It’s one of those words that we hear a lot these days. It happens every now and then… A word will become really popular for a little while, get over used a lot, and then go back into normal existence. Kinda like ‘groovy’ or ‘random.’ I’ve been hearing the word ‘amazing’ a lot…

  • Not Sin Covering, Sin Crushing

    I don’t know about you, but one of the things that I’m really good at is doing something that I know I probably shouldn’t do, asking forgiveness for it, and knowing in the back of my mind that I’ll probably do it again. Maybe I’m too honest, but I do this occasionally. That’s why…

  • Man in the Mirror

    I preached a few weeks ago about the importance of reading scripture and putting it into practice. Thought I’d pass it along here… You can view my Youtube channel here.