• Dream Small

    We hear so much about thinking big and dreaming big. We talk about getting big vision and dreaming bold dreams. And I completely get that. I completely understand the sentiment behind the statement. I believe God thinks big and expects big prayers and bold faith from us. But what if… Big dreams and big…

  • Pointing Finger or Lending Hand

    My mom always taught me not to point my finger at people. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve had less tendency to point my finger at strangers, and more propensity to point my finger at the very people I should be supporting. I think a lot of it’s human nature. To point the finger of…

  • Amanda Knox’s Freedom & Yours

    I haven’t followed the story of Amanda Knox that closely. Just in the last few days have I began to follow what’s happening. I’m thankful that she gets a chance to go free and be reunited with her family and friends. There’s such joy in freedom. So, I can only imagine what Knox will…

  • 4 Reasons You Shouldn’t Quit

    4 Reasons You Shouldn’t Quit

     We all have those moments… usually they come and go pretty quickly, but sometimes they stick around for a while… Those “I QUIT” moments. Here are 4 reasons why you shouldn’t quit just yet… 1. God’s not done with you. If you’re dealing with wanting to quit… no matter what you do, remember that…

  • Discontented Patience

    For a… Parent Pastor Friend Spouse Student Manager Leader There’s a healthy balance between being patient with the vision God’s given you and the people He’s allowed you to have a relationship with and being discontent with where you are. What I mean is this, there’s a burden inside all of us. Something that…