• Following: Simon Says Let Me Lead

    Simon says, “hop on one foot.” Simon says, “raise your right hand.” We remember the game Simon Says and playing it as a child. One person would lead the group and give commands. If it didn’t begin with “Simon says,…” the group wasn’t supposed to make a move. A wrong move meant that the…

  • Kim Kardashian, Kris Humphries, & The Rest of Us

    In case you haven’t heard (how did you escape it?), Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries are getting a divorce. Yes, it had been just 72 days since the multi-million dollar wedding, but Kim has submitted the divorce papers. Some people are wondering if it wasn’t some huge publicity stunt, but I don’t think it…

  • Beauty From Distress

    Why do leaves change colors in the fall? Well, to summarize, it’s because the shorter days and smaller amounts of sunshine force the plants to begin storing food in itself for winter. In short, the trees begin to realize that they’re only weeks away from dying if they don’t do something. It’s really just…

  • It’s Bigger Than You

    Every now and then, we need to be reminded… It’s bigger than me. Bigger than my agenda Bigger than my plans Bigger than my advancement Bigger than my platform It’s GOD big! Ultimately, all of eternity comes down to something so much more than my dot on the map and my dash in the…

  • First Impressions: 4 Tips to Make Em Better

    I love people. Anyone that knows me knows that while it may not be the most comfortable thing to me, I love meeting new people. Whether it be the Wal Mart cashier, a guest at church, or someone I’ve met through a friend, I always love meeting new people for the first time. Through…