• I Wonder…

    1.What the weather was like the original Christmas night? 2. How did NASA ever figure out where to land in space? 3. Why God made cats? 4. Where I’ll be this time 20 years from now? 5. How often I’d have to workout to have a 6 pack? What do you wonder?

  • Time Is Just A Tool

    How are you using your time today?

  • Believe to See

    I was reading in Daniel 3 a few days ago about the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego getting thrown into the fiery furnace because of their complete unwillingness to worship king Nebuchadnezzar’s hunk of idol junk. I’ve read this story a bunch of times, but I often miss the miracle of it… Or…

  • Brilliant Marketing – #iPhone4s

    I’ve been seeing this commercial all day while watching football. Seems pretty brilliant to me. Your thoughts?

  • 4 Reasons You And I Are Like A Christmas Tree

    We collect things over the years. Looking at any Christmas tree is kinda like a trip down memory lane. We all have those ornaments that instantly bring back memories when we look at them. Maybe they’re ornaments that our children made or just something we bought on vacation, our Christmas trees are shaped by…

  • 4 Questions

    1. What’s your favorite Christmas carol? 2. What are you most thankful for this Christmas season? 3. If I could give you one thing for Christmas, what would it be? 4. Egg Nog or Apple Cider?