• You Need Three Loves

    With all of the things you and I have going on. With all of the responsibilities and appointments, it’s impossible for us to invest in everyone. So, we have to choose. We have to love everyone (Jesus teaches us this), but we can’t love everyone in the same way… to the same degree. It’s…

  • 30 Times You Shouldn’t #Tweet

    While using the bathroom When you’ve had an argument with your spouse. When you’re in the shower. During your best friend’s wedding. During certain ‘spousal activities’. While at a funeral. While giving the eulogy at a funeral. During counseling sessions. During a job interview. While driving. During your own wedding. While in a meeting…

  • #Eli the Underdog & The Giants #SuperBowl Champs

    While many of us were busy eating chips and salsa and buffalo wings while watching the Super Bowl and the Super Bowl commercials, Eli Manning and the New York Giants were busy doing what they’ve become so good at… Winning against the odds. When asked at the beginning of the season if he was…

  • The Secret to #Unity in the Church

    The difference is Jesus. He’s the unifying element. Your thoughts?

  • 4 Questions

    1. What’s the temperature where you are? 2. What’s something you need help with right now? 3. What’s your favorite fast food place? 4. If you had to describe yourself in one word, what would it be?