• The Fine Line Between #Leading and Manipulating

    The Fine Line Between #Leading and Manipulating

    It’s a fine line, really… The difference between leading someone and manipulating someone. Leading = Influencing. Manipulating = Vile Persuasion. Ultimately, the line between leading and manipulating is less about the method chosen for performing the action, and more about the heart of the person that’s performing it. Leading says, “I believe in you.”…

  • One Heck of A Typo

    I came across this article over the weekend while flipping through Flipboard on my iPad. It’s from the Huffington Post. Apprarently a middle and high school in Georgia were put on lockdown last week due to a failed auto correct in a text message. The text message was supposed to read… gunna be at…

  • In the Moment

    LIve in the moment. Don’t spend so much time trying to get to the next moment that you miss the one you’re in. Each second has its own sight, sounds, and specialties. Each moment has opportunities for joy, fun, and divine moments. Wherever you are, whatever you do, live with Jesus… in the moment.…

  • How To Lead A Significant #Movement

    Deuteronomy 5:29 Oh, that their hearts would be inclined to fear me and keep all my commands always, so that it might go well with them and their children forever! Everyone wants to make a difference. Everyone wants to do something significant. Everyone wants their life to count beyond their own time on earth.…