Ten Top Twitter Tweetin Tips
A few months ago, I was asked by my friend Michael Holmes to write my top 10 twitter tips down and send them to him for an EBook he was putting together. That EBook was posted here a couple of weeks ago, but I thought I’d post what I contributed to the project. So,…
Marine Writes Iraq Veteran Opera After 4 Suicide Attempts
I came across this story several weeks ago. It’s a beautiful illustration about hope and second chances. If you’re struggling today, don’t give up. There’s always hope, always potential, and always brighter days ahead. Be sure to check this link for story and video. What does this mean to you? Your thoughts?
The Struggle for God
It seems like I’m the only one that deals with it… I’m a pastor… I preach. I do funerals. I do weddings. I visit hospitals. I have a good grasp of scripture. I pray for people. I fight the Enemy daily. But I still struggle to find God some days. I still struggle to…
Life Milestones
When Melissa and I first moved to Orangeburg 2 years ago, we needed a place to live… pronto. We found the best apartments we could come across and settled there for the last two years. We’ve enjoyed living there. We’ve liked the location, the pool, the workout room, and all the other little things…
Jump In! Act to Succeed
One summer, while I was in college, I got a job as a lifeguard. Thinking I would have an easy summer job and get to work on my tan all summer, I took the registration class and went looking for a job. I found one at a summer Christian camp working at the lake.…