• 10 Scriptures That Reveal Our Real Identity

    10 Scriptures That Reveal Our Real Identity

    Yesterday, I wrote a post about letting who you are determine where you’re going. I recently spoke on this topic and had a list of scriptures that shed some light on who we are as believers in Christ. Hoping these encourage you like they did me… 1 Peter 2:9 – A Royal Priesthood, holy…

  • What’s Determining Your Destination?

    What’s Determining Your Destination?

    Let your identity determine your destination, not your situation… I tweeted that a few days ago and now I can’t get it out of my mind. The truth is, no matter who you are, what you do, or who you are, you are going through or have just come through a situation in life…

  • Identity Check: Video

    I spoke a couple of weeks ago about the great Identity crisis that exists in many Christians today. We forget who we are… that we’re adopted sons and daughters of God. I told the story of jesus in the Garden of Gathsemene to help illustrate it. Thought I’d pass it along… [View my Youtube…

  • 3 Things Your Sabbath Shouldn’t be Without

    3 Things Your Sabbath Shouldn’t be Without

    I wrote this post for RookiePastor.com a few days ago. I thought I’d pass it along here to you as well. If you have a second, though, I’d highly recommend RP.com! On to the post… I know the temptation. Every young or rookie pastor goes through it. It’s the “If I do more and…

  • Do They LIKE You or TOLERATE You?

    Do They LIKE You or TOLERATE You?

    “We want Hyundai to make the kind of car you want to buy, no the kind of car you have to buy.” – Hyundai founder Chung Ju-Yung I read this quote a few days ago in this article. While Chung said that in respect to a car, I think we should have the same…

  • The American Bible Challenge: The Game New GSN Show

    There’s a new game show coming to the Game Show Network in August. It’s Bible trivia on steroids and gone mainstream. Here’s a quick look at what it’s going to be like… So, is this a good idea or a bad idea? Do you like it or hate it going to mainstream TV? Please…