• Crazy Excuses for Missing Work

    Crazy Excuses for Missing Work

    I came across some crazy excuses for missing work the other day. I thought I’d share a few from this article and then hear some from you…

  • Motives Matter: Our Key to the Miraculous

    Motives Matter: Our Key to the Miraculous

    I love the story of Peter and John healing the lame man in Acts 3. It’s one of those stories that I always read and think, “Gosh, I wish I could do that.” The truth, I could… or Christ could through me. You see, the thing that Peter and John had wasn’t some great…

  • 2 Reasons You Shouldn’t Puke Before Your Next Public Speech

    2 Reasons You Shouldn’t Puke Before Your Next Public Speech

    Public speaking isn’t for the faint of heart. It’s one of those things that causes me to be a little nervous every time I do it. When I talk to people that have been speaking publicly for 20, 30, 40 years, they still often admit to having some nerves each time they step in…

  • Lead Like God

    Lead Like God

    “The Lord leads with unfailing love and faithfulness all who keep his covenant and obey his demands.” Psalm 25:10 NLT I was reading through Psalm 25 the other day and the first part of this verse hit me square in the face (yes, it even hurt a little). You see, we’ve become really good…

  • Getting to No – Saying ‘No’ Without Losing Your Friends

    Getting to No – Saying ‘No’ Without Losing Your Friends

    I like to please people. It’s just who I am. I like to have people like me. I like to make others happy. I like to please other people. I often go too far in making everyone happy. I’ll admit that I sometimes want to please people and meet the expectations of others way…