Crazy Excuses for Missing Work
I came across some crazy excuses for missing work the other day. I thought I’d share a few from this article and then hear some from you…
Motives Matter: Our Key to the Miraculous
I love the story of Peter and John healing the lame man in Acts 3. It’s one of those stories that I always read and think, “Gosh, I wish I could do that.” The truth, I could… or Christ could through me. You see, the thing that Peter and John had wasn’t some great…
2 Reasons You Shouldn’t Puke Before Your Next Public Speech
Public speaking isn’t for the faint of heart. It’s one of those things that causes me to be a little nervous every time I do it. When I talk to people that have been speaking publicly for 20, 30, 40 years, they still often admit to having some nerves each time they step in…
Lead Like God
“The Lord leads with unfailing love and faithfulness all who keep his covenant and obey his demands.” Psalm 25:10 NLT I was reading through Psalm 25 the other day and the first part of this verse hit me square in the face (yes, it even hurt a little). You see, we’ve become really good…
Getting to No – Saying ‘No’ Without Losing Your Friends
I like to please people. It’s just who I am. I like to have people like me. I like to make others happy. I like to please other people. I often go too far in making everyone happy. I’ll admit that I sometimes want to please people and meet the expectations of others way…