• 4 Things Walking in the Spirit Is Not

    4 Things Walking in the Spirit Is Not

    2 Timothy 1:7 (NLT) For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.. 1. Walking Scared God has not called any of us to live a life of fear. Whatever is in front of you that has your paralyzed with fear or whatever you are…

  • Top 5 Posts From 2012

    Top 5 Posts From 2012

    It’s been a great year. I’m grateful that I can honestly say that about my own life. I hope you can as well. I hope that some of what I’ve written on this blog has contributed to that great year. Here are my 5 favorite and top posts from 2012…

  • 5 Ingredients for A Great Tweet

    5 Ingredients for A Great Tweet

    I love twitter. I’ve been on twitter since May 25, 2008. Since that time, I’ve sent over 32,000 tweets and gained over 20,000 followers. I don’t say all of that to just give you a twitter stat run down, but to say that in that time, I’ve seen some good tweets (and some bad…

  • Thoughts on Evil and why Millennials Are Taking Innocent Lives

    Thoughts on Evil and why Millennials Are Taking Innocent Lives

    I have no children… Not yet at least. I am, however, someone that loves my family, my friends, and all people dearly. I’m what most would call a “people person.” So, like you, I’m left thinking about and wrestling through what happened Friday in Newtown Connecticut. With many more questions than answers, I thought…

  • Get Where You’re Going, However You’re Going

    Get Where You’re Going, However You’re Going

    Melissa and I bought a house about 6 months ago. The house isn’t very far from the office I go to work at each day. Being someone that likes to do things as fast as possible, I spent the first few weeks we were in the new house going every way I could think…