The First Step in Changing the World
Most people want to make a difference. Most people want to do something significant. In fact, if asked, most people would say that they’d like to change the world. It’s the mission of every non-profit organization. It’s the mission of the local church. It’s the mission of the Christian. To change the world. The…
Family Vacations, Wave Fighting, and Standing Our Ground
When I was little, one of my family’s favorite traditions was going to the beach every summer. Each summer, we would load up the four of us in our mini van and head to Myrtle Beach. Like a lot of families, I suppose, we would eat at the same restaurants and do mostly the…
3 Tips for Clearer Communication
Communication is one of the back bones of human culture. Communication keeps the world in motion and people moving. That being said, we often stink at communicating clearly and succinctly. Here are 3 things I’ve found that help most when communicating…
3 Attitudes Young Leaders Must Adopt
Today’s young leaders have opportunities that few leaders have ever had. We have the world at our finger tips, an obvious need for change, and the technology to accomplish more than ever. The one thing, though, that I think many young leaders are missing is the right attitude. Attitude does matter. Here are 3…
New Year Revival
I threw this question out on twitter yesterday and got some really good answers. I wanted to ask it here too. Maybe we can help each other launch 2013 to be the best ever. What steps are you taking in the new year to grow spiritually? What habits are you trying to adopt? Answer…